Logistics Operations of the Aikawa Group

Based in Toyama Prefecture, we operate storage warehouses and delivery vehicles in accordance with the Good Distribution Practice (GDP) guidelines for pharmaceuticals. Our priority is to deliver pharmaceutical products to major domestic locations while maintaining the highest quality and integrity as required by manufacturers. We also handle the transportation and storage of other components and chemical products, as well as industrial waste transportation and recycling services.

Vehicle Information

Total Number of Vehicles: 80 (as of April 2024)
 Headquarters Office: 48 vehicles (general cargo and pharmaceutical transport)
 Mizuhashi Office: 32 vehicles (industrial waste and contract service vehicles)

Logistics Warehouses

Mizuhashi Logistics Center

Aikawa Mizuhashi Logistics Center

143 Mizuhashi-ichidabukuro, Toyama City, Toyama,
939-3555, Japan
Ambient Temperature (1°C to 30°C): 1,150 pallets

Toyama Logistics Center

Aikawa Toyama Logistics Center

169-2 Yasuda, Namerikawa City, Toyama,
936-0825, Japan
Refrigerated (1°C to 5°C, 2°C to 8°C): 200 pallets
Ambient Temperature (1°C to 30°C): 11,000 pallets

Namerikawa Logistics Center

Aikawa Namerikawa Logistics Center

183-4 Yasuda, Namerikawa City, Toyama,
936-0825, Japan
Ambient Temperature (1°C to 30°C): 1,800 pallets

Intermediate Processing Plant

Mizuhashi Office

Aikawa Mizuhashi Office

291-1 Mizuhashi-ichidabukuro, Toyama City, Toyama,
939-3555, Japan